Welcome Back! Thanks for taking the time to check in again! You have no idea how much it means to me to have already received such an overwhelming show of support! I am delighted, flattered and humbled at your responses. But, this isn't just about me, you came back to see something of substance so let's get right down to the "Nitty-Gritty!" (And, for those of you who know the joke, or are chuckling at the musical reference, I don't mean the Dirt Band!)
As I mentioned yesterday, I am participating in a 30-day challenge to blog every day as part of developing the "proper" mindset to become a writer. As part of that challenge, I am given a topic and encouraged to post my answers and thoughts. And once again, today's subject is causing me quite a bit of mental grief. My challenge today is: "What would you do if you were starting your life over? If you woke up tomorrow and were free to do ANYTHING you wanted with your life, what would you do and who would you be? Assume there are NO barriers at all." hmmmmm............
our buddy, Kahlua |
And here I sit without a clue how to answer that. I thought when I started my business years ago (a doggy daycare & training facility) that it was all I ever wanted to do. All my hopes and dreams had came true--I was making a living doing what I loved, working with dogs!!! But it turns out that wasn't the end of my story, or even my "happily ever after." It turns out there was more to my life's desires than just being good at working with dogs, as much as I loved it. True, I loved working with dogs, but I hated the business of being in business. It's true what "they" say, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it! So, that begs the question, if I could do anything ELSE, what would it be? I'm ashamed to admit that I don't even know where to begin. My brain churns with the possibilities!!!
I think part of my difficulty with this question is because I'm already at least half-way there in the process--I ALREADY AM FREE!! I (we) have already started over and became free simply through the process of pulling up stakes in Iowa and starting our lives over in Central America. I have absolutely nothing holding me back from doing whatever I want to do with myself. We sold the business, our home, and most of our belongings, and moved ourselves and our four-legged children to Placencia, Belize, about 16 months ago. We don't own any property to tie us to a location, we can leave at any time (should we choose), and we have no debt whatsoever to hold us back. That in and of itself is a wonderfully liberating and exhilarating feeling! I have no 9-5 job to report to, no real commitments except what I choose to volunteer for, no kids to limit my possibilities (thank god!), no one to answer to but myself--well, and occasionally the dear hubby.........
stunning view! |
And, geographically speaking, we are in some people's idea of heaven. We live in a small, BEAUTIFUL, charming, tropical village in the Caribbean where it is perpetual summer most of the year (although sometimes it's hotter than hell!). We have a huge screened-in deck with multiple hammocks that overlook the water and take advantage of the sea-breezes on both sides of our lovely (rented!) home, and a large fenced yard for the pups to roam. My day is mine, and mine alone, to do with as I please. I do what I want to do when I want to do it, and I DON'T do what I really DON'T WANT to do. (That is, of course, if you don't count doing laundry, cleaning the house, shaking rugs, and cooking meals, but that's the bargain I struck with the dear hubby, and a story for another day!) Best of all, I haven't had to wear anything but flip-flops, tank tops, shorts, or swimsuits in the last year and a half. It's a rough life, lemme tell ya, but somebody's gotta do it! I've got it made, right? So why, then, is it I can't I figure out exactly what it is that what I want to do, or what to write about???????
Dick's "work truck" |
(On a little more serious side note, I want to take a quick but heartfelt moment to give a big shout out to my dear hubby, Dick, who graciously and generously supports me, emotionally and financially, by doing what HE loves to do, through which he enables me to have my freedom. He found his "pearl" when he started his own plumbing business, Master Plumbing, Ltd, shortly after we arrived in Placencia, and is doing well and loving what he does. Thank you baby, I love ya! Check out his Facebook page and leave him a comment if you want, I know he'd appreciate it: https://www.facebook.com/MasterPlumbingPlacencia )
But back to the big question--what would I DO if I were free to do anything I wanted with my life? I've done a lot of things in my life and held a lot of different types of jobs, check out my profile and you'll see (and laugh too!). But there's so much more I would like to do and see in the world, that I just don't know where to start. So to answer the burning question in this very moment, I guess I'd do (and be) everything I am right now, but keep searching for my next pearl. And to that I'd add, I'd also do it while being a "writer." But, for god's sake Dawn, you say, what TYPE of a writer are you going to be????? Are you going to write a book? Articles? A travelogue? Poetry (blech!) a cookbook (heaven forbid!!) What??? Right now, I don't know the answer to that.
photo from Barefoot's FB page! |
Of course, I'd want to be a writer whose work was reviewed by many, loved by all, and shared abundantly with the world--isn't that every writer's deepest desire? Maybe a writer who actually made a little money doing it, so that I felt my work was of some value or worth (and it'd be great if it added to my "fun" money!). And then maybe I could visit my friends and family more frequently back in the States with what I earned from my efforts. Quite possibly I'd buy a few more banana daiquiris at my favorite hangout (the Barefoot Beach Bar, left), get a massage or a pedicure, pay someone to cook and clean for me more often, and do a little more world traveling--maybe to Paris or Greece, or somewhere even more exotic if I did really well! Now THAT would be awesome!!!
But, hey, wait!! You still haven't answered the question. WHAT are you going to write ABOUT, for crying out loud?! That seems to be the million dollar question. I still don't know the answer to that question, but I'm working on it. It is only Day 2 after all...............
How about you? What would YOU do if you had no barriers to creating your ideal life? If the world were your oyster, what would be your pearl? I'd love to hear your responses!
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