Monkeys are NOT good pets! |
People often say to me that living where we do, in a beautiful, tropical country on the Caribbean Sea, must be “like heaven!” Like a DREAM! And most days it is. Today was not one of those days. And it reminded me that no matter where you are, no matter how “heavenly” your surroundings, you will have some good days and some not-so-good days, just as you would living anywhere else. Often, those not-so-good days are the result of me (in my “ugly-American” way) struggling to adapt to a new and different culture.
It’s not that today was necessarily such a “bad” day. It was just, well……. it was just tough. Today was my day to volunteer for our monthly PHS vet clinic. As I’ve mentioned before, I volunteer (and sit on the board of directors) for the Placencia Humane Society (PHS). Our village doesn’t have a resident veterinarian, and there's none close by, so once a month PHS brings one in from Belize City, and with the help of many generous volunteers, provides low-cost vaccinations, checkups, treatments, and free spays and neuters.
One of many puppies we have fostered |
Of course, I love getting to cuddle all the adorable puppies and kitties that come in. I love getting to meet unusual animals and interesting families. The clients who come in are such a great mix of people, from those who were born and raised in Belize, to people like us who migrated here, and people who come to visit from far-flung places all over the world. It’s been a great way to get to know people in the community. But my difficulty lies in the no-so-cuddly moments.
It was not a surprise to me when we moved here that animal care here would be different than Iowa. We did a lot of research, and also visited different areas of Belize for three years before moving to Placencia. And, okay, I’m willing to admit, maybe I have an over-developed definition of “minimum standard of care for pets." At any rate, I was well aware prior to our move that some people in Belize do not treat their pets as valuable members of the family, as we have come to do in US culture. However, I routinely see situations at the clinic that are still difficult for me to accept.
The vet checks out Runty, who was born with a deformed leg |
For every pet who comes into clinic and is obviously well-cared for, there are just as many that arrive (often for the first time at an advanced age), having never received even the most basic of routine services. Many pets in Belize never see a vet until they are seriously ill, critically injured, or dying from disease. Tick fever, sarcoptic mange, cancers, and sexually transmitted venereal diseases run rampant, and are often not treated until too late. Unfortunately, there are still some children, and a few adults too, who torture and maim animals, and think little of it. It is difficult to see these ugly things up close, and even harder to believe that what little you can do will make a difference. And, if you love animals as I do, that’s a
really tough pill to swallow.
Coatimundis are illegal to have as pets, but many people do |
I can’t say that I’ve truly “accepted” the difference in attitudes towards animals here, but I can say I am
trying very hard to
learn and to
understand it. I know that Belize is not the only country whose ideas about animals are different than mine. And I’m
definitely not saying that my view is the only correct view. But I do know it’s very hard to see an animal suffer, knowing as I do from my many years of experience working with dogs, that with just a little preventative care, that misery could have been avoided. And it breaks my heart into pieces every time.
Cuddle time with Mommy! |
So each month, just like today, I pick up the pieces of my broken heart and try to put them back together to heal before the next clinic day arrives. Carrying those pieces home in your handbag can make for a heavy end to a very tough day, which is why I’m going to hop on the couch for a bit. It’s time for me to snuggle with Kitti and Bunni. Their mommy needs them – much more than they need me - at least tonight……
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