Hello World, it's me, Dawn!
In the beginning, Dawn wanted to be a writer, so she created a blog..............

Well, here goes, this is exciting!!!! My first attempt at creating a safe place to share my stories, of which I have many, with the world. I'm just starting out, and I'm really not sure what exactly what "topic" this blog is going to be about, at least not yet, I just know I HAVE to write! Although I intend to keep it lighthearted for the most part, some of my future posts will probably include some of my inner-most thoughts, feelings, beliefs, views, etc, which may not necessarily agree with yours. And, that's ok-we don't all have to agree on everything, and we can still be friends (or relatives)! I respect everyone's right to have different views and opinions. All I ask is that you read my posts (if you choose to follow me) with my tongue-in-cheek, slightly sarcastic, off-beat, (ok, I admit it, WEIRD) sense of humor in mind. And try not to make too much fun of me-I'm learning as I go along, and I really want (& need!) your constructive criticism. Also keep in mind that while I try to monitor myself, I have been known to swear like a truck-driver at times, and occasionally a "bad" word or two may slip through the cracks. I'll do my best to not offend anyone too much, but I make absolutely no promises. Read on at your peril and forgive me now, or forever hold your peace!
Now, onto the really important stuff! What is this blog, and what's this title "Yes, I Eat Cheesecake For Breakfast" all about? Well, long story short, even though you may think all I've ever done with my life is train dogs and work in an office (and move to Belize to shake rugs), I've actually been what I call a "closet writer" ever since I can remember. From a young age, I've been dabbling in the art of processing my feelings by putting them down on paper, and now in this digital world we live in, into my computer. I have TONS and TONS of pages I've written that I've promptly sent to the electronic trash bin, judged only by myself as worthless, and then simply obliterated with the drag of a mouse and the touch of a button. Fearing what all writers do--disapproval, criticism and rejection-- it is only rarely that I have shared my work with anyone. However, I have written some poems for loved ones, and been published a few times, mostly "technical" writing (about dogs, go figure), and I did enter a short-story contest once. I lost the contest of course; therefore, the "once"- in case you haven't guessed, closet writers don't always take rejection well.
And so, since my "early retirement" (I don't know what else to call it), which started over a year ago, I have been flailing about with no direction, and struggling with how to start doing what I came to Belize to do, WRITE! In the last couple of months, I've been getting serious about writing, and have been taking online courses to help myself get going. One of my assignments is to start the writing process by creating and maintaining a blog. So here it is. My blog. OMG--DAWN'S BLOG!!! But I couldn't call it that. That's lame. Borrrrring. And I was at a roadblock for TWO DAYS just trying to figure out what to call my damn blog. (Oops, sorry, but I warned you!) But, what was my blog going to be ABOUT?? For that matter, what am I about??? Do I have anything to write about besides dogs? Will anyone want to read what I have to say?? Why was this so hard????? I had a two day conversation in my head, WITH MYSELF, about the title of the blog. For crying out loud, I screamed at myself, just call it something, ANYTHING, and start writing!! And that just happened to be the day I was standing in front of the fridge, starving at 10 a.m., with nothing but cheesecake staring me in the face. And, so of course you know what's coming........ Yes, I ate cheesecake for breakfast. With both chocolate and caramel sauce. And it was beyond delicious.
And so a blog is born....... I'll be trying to write every day, so please stay tuned. And remember, you only eat breakfast once a day, so enjoy your cheesecake!
OMG I cried and laughed all in the same BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am going to Hy-Vee and yell at the Cheesecake..."GET IN MY BELLY!" Love it Dawn, can't wait for tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteSo excited to see what tomorrow brings :).
ReplyDeleteIt's okay to write about dogs. Dogs are cool. So is cheesecake.
ReplyDeleteDawn, love it... good luck.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is going to be awesome! I look forward to reading daily. I've always loved to write but I never like to let anybody read what I write just for the same reasons you mentioned. Bring on the cheese cake!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you come out of the closet Dawn! You now have my full attention. Watching waiting ........and then. .......
ReplyDeleteLove you sister always wondered what was in your head
ReplyDeleteLove you sister always wondered what was in your head
ReplyDeleteLove you sister always wondered what was in your head